Home » Making a difference with AI at GIS International

Making a difference with AI at GIS International

How GIS International uses AI to support its customer in finding the best products and solutions.

11 January 2024

Making a difference with AI at GIS International

At GIS International many of our customers have been using our AI-enabled purchasing solution for commodities since long, making it easy for companies to have their employees order simple items fast thereby reducing the administrative burden for ordering small items.

But we have gone one step further as we are automating the data quality of all our products with the help of AI.

As a company with its core business in C-Class and MRO, we have to deal with incomplete or bad data and try to make sense of the data in a manual way is frustrating and lengthy. On top of that, it doesn’t always bring much added value to the teams working on it.

Having the data make sense

Our AI-enabled systems automate the search for data and missing information. It uses specific AI rules and algorithms to complete product codes based on descriptions, partial numbers, comparable products and OEM numbers which will guarantee a much faster way to identify the right products in the right category.

We help our customers to find the right products from different certified sources and with the right technical specification. Our ability to proceed faster has a positive impact on our customers as we can submit our proposal faster and often in an even more detailed way.

AI enables better searches, helps us to work with better data, review the data faster and feed back the correct data in the system so searches are always more accurate.


Want to find out more about how GIS International helps companies with their commodities spend? Get in touch with us here or get a glimpse on GISone.ai .

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